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Study of oxic and osmotic stress in Arctic bacteria: implications for the preservation of algal material<\/strong><\/h3>


PI MIO<\/strong> : Jean Fran\u00e7ois Rontani <\/a><\/p>

MIO participants<\/strong> J-F Rontani, P. Bonin, G. Simon, L. Casalot, S. Guasco, F. Vaultier, M. Lescot, F. Armougom and C. Burot<\/p>



The project BACSTRESS <\/strong>(2017-2019) is funded by the CNRS EC2CO-Microbien structuring initiative.<\/p>

L'main objective<\/strong> The aim of this multidisciplinary project (microbial ecology and organic biogeochemistry) is to determine the state of stress of bacteria associated with ice algae in pack ice and open water in the Arctic and to estimate its impact on the preservation of algal material.\u00a0<\/p>


Project progress<\/strong><\/h4>

During the first year of the project, we were able to :<\/p>