MIO's lecturers and researchers are involved in teaching at the universities of Aix-Marseille (AMU) and Toulon (UTLN). The laboratory's sixty or so lecturers and researchers play an active role in the Bachelor's, Master's and engineering school courses at these two universities, covering a very wide range of disciplines and specialities. At doctoral level, the laboratory is affiliated to the "Environmental Sciences" ED 251 (AMU) and "Sea and Science" ED 548 (UTLN) Doctoral Schools.

- Life and Earth Sciences - Sea Route (AMU, Luminy Campus)
- SV and Physics-Chemistry (UTLN)
- Professional degree in bio-industry and biotechnology (AMU)
- Masters in Marine Sciences Biological Oceanography and Marine Ecology course (OBEM, AMU, Luminy Campus)
- Master's degree in Marine Sciences Physical Oceanography and Biogeochemistry course (OPB, AMU, Luminy Campus)
- Master's degree in Marine Sciences Biotic Interactions and Anthropogenic Disturbances in the Environment (IPA, UTLN, La Garde Campus)
- Master's degree in Marine Sciences in Analytical Reaction Chemistry and Environmental Modelling (CHARME, UTLN, La Garde Campus)
- Master's degree in Marine Sciences, course in Environmental Physics for Risk Assessment (PHYMER, UTLN, La Garde Campus)
Engineering schools
- SeaTech maritime engineering speciality (UTLN, La Garde Campus)
- Polytech specialising in biological engineering (AMU, Luminy Campus)