Mr Segura was accompanied by Elisabeth Barbier, DGD of the IRD, Frédéric Ménard, Director of the IRD's Oceans Department and Marina Lévy, Deputy Director of the Department.
The afternoon was organised as follows:
- Introduction by Mr Segura on his role and missions, in particular on the negotiations at United Nations level on the future of the high seas and the issues at stake.
-MIO presentation by Richard Sempéré
- Topics presented: issues and projects concerning pollutants and plastics in the Mediterranean and partner countries (Vietnam); involvement in the Sargasso (T. Thibaut), LMI Cosys Med (O. Pringault); policy in the south of the MIO (Th. Changeux).
- Visit to the laboratory by Richard Sempéré and Christian Grenz
-Refreshments and discussion.
A big thank you to all the colleagues who contributed to the success of this visit in a friendly atmosphere.