Regional Cytometry Platform for Microbiology - PRECYM

Manager : Aude Barani


The platform PRECYM MIO specialises in the analysis of individual micro-organisms using flow cytometry: identification, enumeration, sorting, characterisation of the physiology, viability and activities of micro-organisms. PRECYM is labelled Technology Platform of the University of Aix-Marseilleby the GIS IBiSAthe Maritime Division.

 It makes its equipment and know-how available to the MIO teams and to any public or private research unit or institute. Through its 3 missions - Research and Development, Consultancy and Support, and Training - it operates in a number of fields, both nationally and internationally:

  • Helping to develop and/or improve an experimental protocol,
  • Technological developments,
  • Help in analysing and interpreting cytometry data and results,
  • Training in flow cytometry technology (theory and practice),
  • Training in the use of the platform's instruments,
  • Expertise for private laboratories in both sample analysis and sorting.


PRECYM is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.

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