Technical structures

Headers : Jean-Luc Fuda and Sandrine Chifflet


Le MIO has 5 common technical services, 3 technical platforms (CEM team) and 5 transverse platforms/technical platforms which bring together a large proportion of the measurement and analysis resources specific to the marine field. Access is open to members of the laboratory as well as to the outside world according to a protocol of use governed by charters. Each structure is under the responsibility of an IT, whose role is to manage its equipment and dedicated staff in accordance with common operating rules.

In addition to internal and external services, these structures offer specific training or development assistance, whether for specific equipment or methodology development.

A steering committee led by the technical Dua meets monthly to review progress and intervenes in the event of a schedule conflict or material incident.

Technical facilities EMC team

Coordinator: Houssam Hajjoul


   Metallic contaminants and organic matter
   Organic molecules


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