Scientific mediation

Laying the 1st stone of the MEUST building
Mediterranean Eurocentre for Underwater Sciences and Technologies
A tool for instrumental innovation in marine science research and observation.

World Ocean Day 2022 - 30 years on
Event organised as part of an Art-Science residency at IMéRA, Université Aix-Marseille, with the support of MIO (Institut Méditerranéen d'Océanologie) and the Musée Subaquatique de Marseille, for World Oceans Day 2022.
Scream for the Ocean Day!
at the Théâtre de la Criée
As part of the Chateauvallon Liberté week at La Criée devised by Macha Makïeeff and Charles Berling from 22 to 29 January 2022, the MIO was taking part in Let's Shout for the Oceans Day! A day dedicated to understanding and protecting marine biodiversity, a major challenge for the future of our planet! On 22 January 2022, the MIO hosted a number of stands, including Planktomania, Biolumunescence, Ocean Physics and Flow Cytometry.
Underwater duplex: Meet the scientific divers!
On 17 September 2017, a participatory experiment brought together a large audience, at the invitation of the Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Marine and Continental Ecology (IMBE, Aix-Marseille University / CNRS / IRD / Avignon University) and the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanology (MIO, Aix-Marseille University / Toulon University / CNRS / IRD), to share in a live scientific dive to discover coastal habitats such as Posidonia meadows, coralligenous and sandy bottoms.
The dive took place around the Station Marine d'Endoume de Malmousque in Marseille, as part of the "Septembre en mer" programme.
The aim was to give a live insight into the work of a scientific diver and to raise public awareness of the fragility and richness of our coastal zones. Thanks to the duplex system - audio-video transmitters/receivers - spectators on site were able to talk simultaneously with the diver-hosts. The experience was simultaneously streamed on the CNRS Facebook live page.
Planet Day at the Théâtre de La Criée!
An exceptional day dedicated to the Blue Planet, the guest of honour of our green invasion!
On Saturday 11 March 2017, the Théâtre de La Criée in Marseille organised a series of workshops, lectures and films. Planet Day to observe the marvels of its ecosystems, to look at its current situation, but also to expose the dangers that threaten it if no one takes action to preserve it.
The event provided an opportunity to raise awareness among the general public, and children in particular, of the activities of the MIO, which employs some 250 staff (researchers, teacher-researchers, engineers and technicians) on the Luminy campus in Marseille.
Researchers who tirelessly travel the planet from the Arctic to the Antarctic to learn more about it... and protect it more effectively.