Postdoctoral Researcher - Microalgal Virology

The Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MIO) at Aix-Marseille Université (AMU, France) invites applications for a full-time Postdoctoral Researcher to help lead and coordinate an interdisciplinary research project focused on the topic of microalgal virology.

The ideal candidate will have experience in at least one of the following categories: 

  1. Fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) by flow cytometry
  2. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)
  3. RNA-seq analysis
  4. Microalga lab culture and molecular biology

The incumbent will work as part of an interdisciplinary research team whose objective is to characterize the biodiversity and ecology of viruses infecting marine microbial eukaryotes and to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of infection. The first two tasks entrusted to the young researcher will be (i) to implement an innovative approach combining FISH/FACS/Minimetagenomics to ensure the isolation and characterization of viruses infecting regional strains of Picochlorum. (ii) He/she will also conduct a transcriptomic study of the infection of several diatom strains by their respective RNA viruses. More information available on request.

We seek a motivated, broadly thinking scientist to coordinate a diverse working group studying marine viruses to achieve his/her goals. In addition to this leadership role, intellectual contributions to proposal development, data collection and analysis, and field sample collection are required. We are interested in candidates who have demonstrated a commitment to excellence in research. The position will be initially for two years with the possibility of extension for up to two additional years. This position can serve as a stepping stone to a apply for a permanent position within the Institute.

The position requires a validated Ph.D., in a relevant field, at the time of recruitment, and candidates should have a competitive record of publication. Salary will depend on experience and be based on AMU pay scales (gross salary 2466€-3197€ per month). Interested candidates should send a cover letter, CV and list of references as a single PDF to Guillaume Blanc. The position remains open until filled. Hiring date hoped between May and October 2023 but may be delayed until December 2023 for an exceptional candidate. It is not necessary to be French but it would help to be reasonably fluent in the local language or committed to learning during the period.

Located in the suburbs of the city of Marseillethe MIO is a center for marine research with approximately 250 researchers, faculty, staff and students working on research programs addressing many aspects of ocean sciences. The MIO is a centre of expertise in marine biology, ecology, biodiversity, microbiology, halieutics, physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and sedimentology. Our working environment is the world ocean, alongside its continental, atmospheric and sediment interfaces. We are committed to academic excellence and diversity within the faculty, staff, and student body.

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