Centre for Inorganic Analysis of the Marine Environment - IAME


The IAME cluster focuses on measuring metals in the ocean and its interfaces.

The laboratory is equipped with an ISO 5 clean room dedicated to sample preparation using heating blocks, microwave mineralisers (Milestone UltraWave ECR), UV digesters (Metrohm), a SeaFast SP3 system (ESI) and an acid distiller (Analab).

The division hasstate-of-the-art instruments in the detection, quantification and speciation of trace metals HR-ICP-MS (Thermo Scientific), ICP-OES (Perkin Elmer), mercury analysers (AFS-Brooks and CV-AAS Leco), voltametry stands (Metrohm), .... Each instrument is dedicated to the analysis of a matrix and is specific to the element sought (see table).

1- Location

MIO La Garde (Université de Toulon - Campus de La Garde, bâtiment R - 1er étage, Avenue de l'Université 83130 La Garde).

MIO Luminy (Aix Marseille Université - Campus de Luminy, bâtiment Pacifique - 1er étage, 163 Avenue de Luminy, Case 901, 13288 Marseille cedex 9).

2- Division referents

Benjamin Oursel (IR) for the La Garde site Tel: 04 94 14 67 31    e-mail: benjamin.oursel@mio.osupytheas.fr Aurélie Dufour (IE) for the Marseille site Tel: 04 86 09 06 35    e-mail: aurelie.dufour@mio.osupytheas.fr

3- Services on offer

The marine inorganic analysis centre offers a range of services.

Certain equipment can be made available users after in-house training. Users are then responsible for the equipment, their analyses and the correct use of the device.

Collaborative research and development.

Comprehensive services. The department receives the samples and handles all the analyses.

Training on equipment.

Download and complete the analysis request form: Click here

4- Terms and conditions of access

The platform's staff are the only ones authorised to handle the instruments during the laboratory's opening days and times. However, this authorisation may be extended to external persons who have been trained in their use and routine maintenance by the persons in charge of training.

Users record the nature and number of measurements taken in the instrument logbook. They report any anomalies found on the instruments to the division managers.

Users must not install or uninstall programmes without authorisation from the staff in charge. Any damage caused by improper use of the equipment must be repaired at the applicant's expense. As far as possible, data should not be processed on the equipment's control units. In any case, data processing does not take priority over measurements.

5- Health and safety

Users must provide all relevant information about any biological or chemical risks associated with their samples (nature of samples, dyes, markers, etc). They should contact the centre's staff to inform them of the quality of the samples. The user will be informed of any special instructions if necessary. The centre may refuse to accept a sample if its preparation does not comply with standards or represents a serious danger to its operations, equipment or staff.

6- Pricing

The use of the equipment and the services are subject to a fee schedule. An estimate will be drawn up for each service requested. After reading the document, the user and the project's scientific manager undertake to respect the PACEM IAME centre's operating charter.

PDF file of tariffs: Click here

7- Analytical and sample preparation equipment

To find out more about the features of our equipment and the skills we offer, follow these links:

Our analytical equipment (Click HERE) HR-ICP-MS, ICP-OES, dissolved and particulate mercury analysers, voltametry stand, etc. Our sample preparation equipment (Click HERE) : heating plates, microwave mineraliser, SeaFast SP3, grinder, UV irradiation, etc.

Take a tour of the INORGANICS cluster

As Speciation
HR-ICP-MS maintenance
MERX-M-ICP coupling
Voltametry room
Plasma torch
ICP-MS maintenance
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