PEACETIME - From Saharan dust to satellite remote sensing

The PEACETIME project studies the fundamental processes and their interactions at the ocean-atmosphere interface, after atmospheric deposition and their impact on the functioning of the marine ecosystem.

During the Mediterranean cruise from 10 May to 11 June 2017We have studied the impact of atmospheric deposition on chemical element cycles, marine biogeochemical processes and fluxes, marine aerosol emissions and the impact of ongoing changes on the future functioning of coastal communities.

PEACETIME, designed within a multidisciplinary framework, has combined dust transport forecasting and near-real-time satellite remote sensing tools to maximise the probability of capturing a Saharan dust deposit in a stratified water column in order to monitor the associated processes in situ.

A series of coupled approaches in the mesopelagic zone have made it possible to link the processes associated with atmospheric deposition occurring in the euphotic zone with remineralisation and export below.

These approaches include marine snow traps, regular and specific sediment traps including an incubation chamber, in situ sampling using high-pressure bottles, simulation of descending particles to measure in situ prokaryotic production and respiratory frequency in relation to particle flow in the mesopelagic zone.



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