Immersciences | Deep sea: What mysteries lurk at the bottom of the ocean?

"Immersciences" is a real immersion into the world of research carried out by the scientific teams of the OSU Institut Pythéas laboratories (CNRS, AMU, IRD, INRAE), from the bottom of the oceans to the farthest reaches of the Universe.

Bioluminescence is the ability of living organisms to produce and emit light. In the ocean, many animals are bioluminescent, particularly in the deep sea. Come and hear how BathyBot, a small ocean-exploring robot, is helping scientists to observe, understand and discover a not-so-obscure ocean...

With Christian Tamburini, CNRS Research Director at the Institut Méditerranéen d'Océanologie (MIO - OSU Institut Pythéas / CNRS, AMU, IRD, INRAE) and Séverine Martini, CNRS Research Associate at the Institut Méditerranéen d'Océanologie (MIO - OSU Institut Pythéas / CNRS, AMU, IRD, INRAE).

Interview and production : Sacha Capdevielle, science mediation trainee at Bordeaux University


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