A very successful Fête de la Science for our laboratory, which this year presented
4 stands, 3 conferences and live interviews on Radio Grenouille!
3 live Radio Grenouille interviews - Saturday 12 October 2019
Interviews with Gérald Gregori, Thierry Moutin & Sandrine Ruitton in the programme Mediterranean and Biodiversity !
3 Conferences - Sunday 13 October 2019
14h00-14h50 - The ocean and climate change, and the history of the OUTPACE oceanographic campaign by Thierry Moutin, Lecturer and researcher AMU MIO
15.00-15.50 hrs - Turbulent marine micro-organisms are under close surveillance: from cell to satellite by Gérald Grégori & Stéphanie Barrillon, CNRS MIO researchers
16.00-16.50 - GHOSTMED In search of lost fishing gear! presented by Sandrine Ruitton, Lecturer and researcher AMU MIO