The Gombessa 5: Mediterranean Planet expedition has just begun. Four divers from Andromède Océanologie (Laurent, Thibaut, Yannick and Antonin) will be spending 28 days at saturation point, exploring around ten sites between Marseille and Monaco. The MIO is a scientific partner in Lauric Reynes' thesis on Mediterranean marine forests and in the European Biodiversa MARine FORest project. On 7 July, on the Banc de Magaud off Ile du Levant at a depth of between 80 and 100 metres, a dive will be carried out on one of the largest populations of Laminaria rodriguezii in the Mediterranean. This species is the only Laminaria endemic to the Mediterranean that lives at depths greater than 60 metres. It forms vast populations with individuals up to 2 m long. The divers on the Gombessa expedition will be assessing the population structure and collecting individuals in an attempt to develop an aquarium culture. This part of the project is being carried out in collaboration with the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven, Germany, where two colleagues will come to condition and collect the samples.
To find out more about the Gombessa 5 expedition
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Expéditions Gombessa : @Expeditions Gombessa
Laurent ballesta @LaurentBallestaOfficialPage
Andromede oceanologie : @page.andromede
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Laurent Ballesta :@LaurentBallesta
Andromede oceanologie : @andromede_oceanologie
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Expéditions Gombessa :Youtube
and Laminaria, you are welcome to visit the Macrophytes platform.