EMSO-LO / BathyCruise

The EMSO-LO/BathyCruise mission

EMSO-LO - A multidisciplinary research database

EMSO-LO is an underwater observatory located at a depth of 2,500m in the Mediterranean Sea, 40km south of Toulon. It is part of the European network of underwater observatories for the environment. EMSO-ERIC (European Multidisciplinary Subsea Observatory - European Research Infrastructure Consortium). The site hosts long-term multidisciplinary projects (over 12 years) aimed primarily at understanding the impact of global warming on Europe's oceans.


BathyBot - A remotely operated benthic robot 

The mission EMSO-LO/BathyCruise will take place between 31 January and 14 February 2022 on board the oceanographic vessel the Why not? operated byIfremer. The aim of the mission is to deploy new observation systems in addition to the existing ALBATROSS and the MII (Instrumented Interface Module) already in place. Among the new features,  BathyBotan underwater robot that will be present at the observatory site at 2500m for several years. BathyBot will act as an investigator for researchers in the field, carrying out biological and environmental analyses. Equipped with sensors and cameras, it will be able to study biogeochemical dynamics and biodiversity. Thanks to a hypersensitive camera, BathyBot will be studying bioluminescence in particular to gain a better understanding of the deep-sea environment.

On the substance, BathyBot will be connected to the BJS (Boîte de Jonction Scientifique, developed by theIfremer), whose role is to supply power and an internet connection to the site's instruments. The BJS is hosted by the neutrino telescope KM3NeT set up by the LSPM.

BathyBot will reach the bottom with BathyReef an artificial reef, biomimetically inspired by the Lab Rougerie+Tangram and manufactured by VicatIt will be able to follow the colonisation process.

It is possible to follow the discoveries of BathyBot on his Twitter account @BathyBot where he shares the progress of his missions with his subscribers.

The EMSO-LO/BathyCruise campaign is brought to you by Fanny Karatchodjoukova, Scientific Mediator aboard the Pourquoi Pas?

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