School of PIs #2 of the French Oceanographic Fleet - Transit 2025

Following the first School of PIs in June 2024 (UlyXDemo), the French Oceanographic Fleet is launching a call for applications for a new School of PIs #2 2025.

This new IP School will take place during a transit. The IP School scheme covers 100% of the costs for participants from embarkation to disembarkation, with pre- and post-transit travel and accommodation costs remaining their responsibility.

The aim is to facilitate and encourage the setting up of oceanographic campaign projects by researchers who are still inexperienced in this field, by providing information on the steps to be taken to set up and submit a campaign dossier, as well as the administrative management and logistics involved.

Applications are invited from researchers or teacher-researchers (permanent), in the form of a covering e-mail and a short CV, for the following positions 28 March at the latest (write to and  

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