To set up a Thematic School :
Applicants for thematic schools have until 14 March 2025 to send by mail to Agnès Fauduettraining advisor for the Provence and Corsica delegation and to the scientific training delegate (DSaF) from the lead institute, a declaration of intent, in the format of the document downloadable from the HRD website. The file must be in .doc format with the name : DRn°xx_Intention_title court_ET2026.doc.
This first phase is a prerequisite.
From 18 April 2025Project sponsors will be informed by e-mail of the outcome of their application.
Once the declarations of intent have been validated, the promoters must :
- send the complete application to Agnès Fauduetwith a copy to the training officers of the institutes concerned, no later than 6 June 2025.
- complete an online form via the collaborative platform Core HR-Training no later than 20 June 2025.
The Human Resources Department's training unit will forward all applications and the delegation's opinion via this same platform by 20 June 2025.
Guide to setting up a thematic school and summary sheets designed to provide the best possible information to all concerned are available on the CNRS intranet site.
The training advisor will work closely with the institutes' scientific delegates to ensure that the projects submitted meet the criteria for a thematic school, as set out in the guide, and that the provisional budget is drawn up rigorously.
At the end of the Thematic School : A report must be completed and submitted on the Core "CNRS Training" area (standard document available).