ANR - ASMA 2025 - Accompagnement Spécifique des Travaux de Recherches et d'Innovation Défense (ASTRID): Maturation and valorisation

The French National Research Agency (ANR), in partnership with the Defence Innovation Agency (AID) - a national department attached to the French Defence Procurement Agency (DGA) - is launching the 2025 edition of the ASTRID Maturation call for projects, "Specific Support for Defence Research and Innovation: Maturation and Development". This programme is financed entirely by the AID and is hosted by the ANR, which is responsible for its implementation.

The ASTRID Maturation programme is designed to support the development of scientific work carried out under other research support schemes that have received financial support from the Ministry of the Armed Forces. The applications must concern both civilian and military fields.

The ASTRID Maturation programme aims to :

Anticipate the technological demonstrations and pre-industrial work that can give concrete form to a dual scientific innovation,

Making our results more attractive to industry and investors.

This system, which links upstream research and technological research, complements RAPID and the DGA's upstream research programmes (for defence applications) as well as other civilian support systems.

ANR ASMA 2025 calendar  

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