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Oceans exhibition,22 March 2025 - 13 July 2025,An 8-stop journey to discover the riches of the sea at the Natural History Museum in Marseille Embark on an 8-stop journey to discover the oceans. A marvellous opportunity to explore the beauty of marine biodiversity.

22 March 2025 - 9h00,13 July 2025 - 18h00,Event, Exhibitions, Scientific mediation,Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Marseille,Boulevard Philippon, Marseille, France,An 8-stop journey to discover the riches of the sea at the Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Marseille Embark on an 8-stop journey to discover the oceans. A wonderful opportunity to explore the beauty of marine biodiversity and the importance of the sea, from our societies to our daily lives. Taking advantage of the [...],Event, Round table,Event, Scientific mediation,Expo_ocean-ban - 13 July 2025 - 18h00

An 8-stop journey to discover the riches of the sea at the Marseille Natural History Museum

Embark on an 8-stop journey to discover the oceans. A wonderful opportunity to explore the beauty of marine biodiversity and the importance of the sea, from our societies to our daily lives.

Taking advantage of the United Nations Conference on the Ocean - UNOC (Nice, June 2025) and the National Year of the Ocean, the City of Marseille Natural History Museum is offering a new temporary exhibition in partnership with thePythéas Observatory for the Sciences of the Universe (CNRS, AMU, IRD, INRAE) and researchers from two of its laboratories - theMediterranean Institute of Oceanology and theMediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology. It will be an opportunity to showcase some of the Museum's heritage collections.

The oceans are often perceived as inexhaustible ecosystems. However, as rich as they are, their resources are limited. What's more, they face numerous threats, including human activity and climate change.

To better understand them and preserve or even restore them, scientists are studying them and sharing the results of their research with you.

This eight-stop journey will take you through this often little-known world, focusing on different aspects of underwater ecosystems, what they have to offer and our relationship with them.

Embark on a voyage of discovery of the beauty of the oceans through these eight ports of call:

  • Mediterranean sea grass beds Posidonia meadows are an irreplaceable oasis of life. This Mediterranean stopover introduces you to a marine flowering plant that harbours remarkable biodiversity, contributing to the production of the fish we eat.
  • The ocean: a plant world Posidonia meadows are not the only marine vegetation. The oceans are home to a multitude of algae and micro-organisms capable of photosynthesis. This plant world contributes to the oxygenation of our planet.
  • Mayotte and its coral reefs A diversion to Mayotte and the Indian Ocean will take you to discover the coral reefs. These are the largest natural monuments built by animals, and are indicators of climate change.
  • The city and the sea: Marseille Back in the Mediterranean, come and visit the Prado artificial reefs and the biodiversity just outside Marseille. You'll be able to take a closer look at the various means of protection used to safeguard our coastlines.
  • The voyage off Hosbarg in Madagascar As you set off on an ocean voyage, from Madagascar to Oceania, you'll gain an insight into the explorations of yesterday and today, and the influence of the oceans on our climate. The Atlantic also has mysteries to reveal.
  • A dive from the surface to the depths With a stop in the water column, observe the billions of microscopic organisms that inhabit the oceans, as well as small and large predators. Some live close to the surface and the source of light, while others travel to the depths.
  • The deep sea In the dark, oxygen-poor depths of the ocean, strange and very special life nevertheless thrives. There are still many mysteries to be discovered in the depths.
  • Dream beaches or dream beaches? A stopover at the beach during the trip will give you the chance to reflect on our vision of elsewhere and the biodiversity of the coastline. Under the palm trees and on the warm sand, this will be an opportunity to question our current tourist practices and their impact on coastal ecosystems.

Last but not least, at every stopover, the artist SANDROT has created two graphic works for the Museum, illustrating a pair of beaked whales facing each other. They offer an interlude between the Mediterranean and the open sea.

Cast off and let the voyage begin!


Practical information

Location Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Palais Longchamp aile droite, Boulevard Philippon, 13004 Marseille 4ème

Tuesday to Sunday, 9am to 6pm. Closed on Mondays.

Exceptional openings Easter Monday, Ascension Thursday, Whit Monday

Rate Free for all

Information : https://musees.marseille.fr/oceans

The exhibition was designed and produced in partnership with the Pythéas Observatory of the Sciences of the Universe (Aix-Marseille-Université, CNRS, IRD, INRAE) and researchers from two of its laboratories - the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanology (AMU, CNRS, IRD, Université de Toulon) and the Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Marine and Continental Ecology (AMU, CNRS, IRD, Université d'Avignon).

Exhibition accompanied by artistic works : Whales of the Marseilles coastline, specially created by SANDROT


22 March 2025 - 9h00,13 July 2025 - 18h00,Event, Exhibitions, Scientific mediation,Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Marseille,Boulevard Philippon, Marseille, France,An 8-stop journey to discover the riches of the sea at the Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Marseille Embark on an 8-stop journey to discover the oceans. A wonderful opportunity to explore the beauty of marine biodiversity and the importance of the sea, from our societies to our daily lives. Taking advantage of the [...],Event, Round table,Event, Scientific mediation,Expo_ocean-ban
13 July 2025 - 18h00
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Marseille Natural History Museum
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Boulevard Philippon
Marseille, 13004 France
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