The CHAT/LEFE Scientific Committee is organising a workshop on "Surface-atmosphere exchanges in the critical zone (particles, greenhouse gases, reactive compounds)" in Toulouse on 10-11 June 2024.
During the OA and SIC community foresight symposia, the need for multidisciplinarity to address the issues of energy and compound exchanges at the continental surface/atmosphere interfaces was widely evoked. From an atmospheric point of view, in-depth measurement and modelling of emissions and deposition of compounds, taking account of soil conditions (water content, surface temperature, land use), is a sine qua non for a proper understanding of atmospheric chemistry. From the point of view of continental surfaces, interfaces are defined as surfaces where water, matter and energy are exchanged between biotic and abiotic compartments. As part of this workshop, we want to bring together staff involved in measuring and modelling exchanges of energy and gaseous and particulate compounds, in relation to soil condition, vegetation, nutrients and water. The aim is to encourage exchanges between communities working at the continent-atmosphere interface (SIC, OA, INRAE, etc.) in order to improve understanding and take account of physical and biogeochemical processes when estimating exchanges of reactive gases, greenhouse gases and particles. The first edition of this workshop took place in June 2023, and we would like to repeat the experience in order to broaden our thinking. This workshop, which will include plenty of time for discussion, should enable the two communities to learn about each other's different approaches and common needs, thereby encouraging new collaborations and the emergence of new projects.
The workshop will be held in Toulouse (Observatoire Midi Pyrénées) over two half-days (Monday 10 June 2pm - Tuesday 11 June 12pm). After a number of general and more targeted presentations, time will be set aside for formal and informal discussions. The deadline for registration is 7 May 2024.
To register, please send an email to Claire Delon, Virginie Marecal, Aurore Brut and Didier Voisin.