As part of the REDMIN research project ("Redéveloppement des territoires miniers : quelles dynamiques de transition") carried out with the support of the OCP Foundation and in partnership with the CNRST-Maroc, and as part of the AMIR International Joint Laboratory (LMI "Activité Minière Responsable au Maroc"), this conference aims to examine the use of entrepreneurship as an alternative for the (re)development of areas in difficulty. Although focused on the Moroccan context, it is open to a broader reflection on the South, favouring an approach that takes account of the socio-economic, cultural and political dimensions of entrepreneurship in various contexts. This conference invites us to explore the territorialisation and circulation of this international 'best practice', which is advocated by numerous public and private players in specific territories where the entrepreneurial culture is often weakly rooted among local young people. It aims to stimulate an interdisciplinary and international debate on the issues, practices and socio-spatial effects of entrepreneurship as a 'solution' for boosting employment and economic development in regions facing similar structural challenges.