The Ocean at the Heart of Climate and Societal Issues - 12th Doctoriades de l'Université de Toulon

Conferences, Events

Université de Toulon - Bât Pi - Campus Porte d'Italie 70 Av. Roger Devoucoux, Toulon, France

AXIS 1: Sustainable future This two half-day conference will focus on the current challenges facing the oceans, adopting a multidisciplinary approach combining physics, biology and social, legal and economic aspects. The first half-day will begin with an inaugural conference led by researchers and/or players in the field. This will be followed by [...]

32nd Congress of Doctoral Students in Environmental Sciences - ED251

Conferences, Events

Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (UMR 7376) 3 place Victor Hugo - Case 29 - CS 80249, Marseille cedex 3, France

The 32nd congress of the Environmental Sciences doctoral school will be held on 24 and 25 April 2025 at the LCE (Laboratoire Chimie Environnement) on the Saint-Charles campus (Marseille) in the Natural Sciences amphitheatre. Attendance at the ED251 conference at least once during their thesis is compulsory for all doctoral students, and enables them to [...]

Entrepreneurship in disadvantaged areas Socio-spatial movements, issues and dynamics

Conferences, Events

Institut National d'Aménagement et d'Urbanisme, Rabat Morocco

As part of the REDMIN ("Redéveloppement des territoires miniers : quelles dynamiques de transition") research project, carried out with the support of the OCP Foundation and in partnership with CNRST-Maroc, and as part of the AMIR International Joint Laboratory (LMI "Activité Minière Responsable au Maroc"), this conference will examine the [...]

Avenir maritime conference


Trois-Rivières Canada

Avenir maritime is the flagship conference of the Réseau Québec maritime and the Institut France-Québec maritime, which brings together the maritime community from all sectors of research and innovation to present the latest advances, forge and strengthen collaborative links and, above all, create a forum for discussing the major challenges of maritime [...].

One Ocean Science Conference

Seminars, Conferences, Events

Nice France

The ocean is threatened by combined pressures such as climate change, overfishing, pollution and conflicts of use. The ocean urgently needs decisive, rapid and unified efforts to address its critical situation and maximise the solutions it offers. This is a major challenge for the global community as we [...]

16th International Symposium on the Interactions between Sediments and Water IASWS 2025

Conferences, Events

Le Touquet - France

The International Association for Sediment Water Science (IASWS) is a network of scientists interested in sediments and their interactions with water and biota in aquatic systems. The association brings together scientists from various disciplines like earth scientists, biologists, chemists and environmental engineers whose interests pertain to sediment-water interactions in all aquatic systems. A major feature [...]

Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology (SAME) 18th meeting

Conferences, Events

Barcelona - Spain

We are happy to let you know that preparations for the 18th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology (SAME18) are progressing, and we will soon be launching the conference website. Registration will open shortly thereafter. The tentative deadline for abstract submission is May 25, 2025. An exciting scientific programme is being developed under the theme "Aquatic [...]