CoSavez-vous? scientific webinar

Events, Webinars

The Littoral et Océan Knowledge Community is hosting a scientific webinar on Thursday 31 October at 9.00 am (UTC+1): Everything you always wanted to know about UNOC3, but were afraid to ask! What is the UNOC? Come one, come all!  

ITEM Webinar on the Transition in Action PAA


By videoconference

As part of the launch of the new format of the ITEM Transition in Action AAP, an information webinar to answer any questions you may have will be held on Tuesday 5 November from 12 noon to 1 p.m. by videoconference. Videoconference link

Les Rendez-vous de l'ANR - Open Science Webinar


By videoconference

Thursday 7 November 2024 - 16:00-17:30 - Open Science Webinar The Open Science webinar programme will include: Presentation of the Digital Strategy and Data Division Presentation of the ANR's open science policy, the HAL ANR portal and the ANR open science barometer Presentation of the OPIDoR DMP tool and the OPIDoR [...] - [...

Launch of the PEPR Grands Fonds Marins - Webinar presentation

Events, Webinars

The Grands Fonds Marins Priority Research Programme and Equipment, led by CNRS, Ifremer and IRD, was launched on 1 September 2024. This new PEPR, financed by France 2030 and operated by the ANR, will develop and finance fundamental research actions to acquire the knowledge needed to lay the foundations for the uses and [...]

Webinar "Water, from the source to the ocean

Events, Webinars

By videoconference

To mark the 4th International Science Day, a webinar is being organised on the theme of Water, from the source to the ocean, by INRAE, CIRAD - Agricultural Research for Development, IRD and the Permanent Representation of France to the United Nations in Rome, in partnership with [...].

Webinar AAP SCHADOC doctoral grants

Events, Webinars

By videoconference

A webinar is being organised on 6 December 2024 at 2pm to present the project and the application and selection procedures for the SCHADOC Doctoral Fellowships AAP. Connection link to the SCHADOC webinar Meeting ID: 896 0568 5508 Secret code: 322714  

Webinar Museums and research in the PACA region: exchanging ideas to improve collaboration

Events, Webinars

By videoconference

Submission of proposals by 20 December 2024 Mandatory registration by 15 January 2025 Platform: Jitsi Meet (the link will be sent to participants at a later date) Organisation: Marseilles Natural History Museum - C. BORRELY, A. MEFFRAY & Aix Marseille Université - CNRS - Mediterranean Institute of Oceanology (MIO) - V. GROSSI - [...]

Replay Digital training - Sustainable cities in Africa: sustainable development of coastal cities

Schools - Training, Events, Webinars

Watch the recording of the Session 3 webinar: Sustainable cities in Africa: the sustainable development of coastal cities online. Raising awareness of sustainability issues in African cities, particularly coastal cities. (6/02/2025) The recording of the webinar Session 4: Sustainable cities in Africa: the sustainable development of [...]

Webinar - Restoration of deep-sea habitats to rebuild European Seas

Events, Webinars

By videoconference

Le jeudi 20 février 2025, l'EMB organisera son 46e webinaire scientifique des troisièmes jeudis. Roberto Danovaro s'exprimera sur le thème de la « Restoration of deep-sea habitats to rebuild European Seas ». Ce webinaire est lié à la future note scientifique n° 12 de l'EMB sur les « Besoins en matière de recherche et de […]