Registration for the interdisciplinary days of the GT O2P (Oceans & Heritage Processes)

Conferences, Events

The Gt O2P Océans & Processus de patrimonialisation is pleased to invite you to take part in the Interdisciplinary Study Days "From marine resources to cultural landscapes: for an interdisciplinary approach to maritime heritage" to be held on 5 and 6 December 2024 at the Université de Bretagne-sud on the Lorient campus. Three [...]

OMER - Ocean and Sea Days at the CNRS

Events, Seminars

CNRS 3 rue Michel Ange, Paris

Registration is now officially open for the Journées Océan et Mers conference at the CNRS on 3 and 4 February 2025, organised by the GDR OMER! You are invited to register on the sciencesconf conference website before 20 January 2025. The 2025 "Ocean and Seas" days will provide an opportunity to discuss [...]

Continuing training "Actor of the Environmental Transition" ITEM - GREC Sud

Schools - Training

The key to a society committed to Environmental Transition! The Institut ITEM (Aix Marseille University) is launching a university certificate entitled "Actor in the Environmental Transition", which is open to continuing education students. This 66-hour course is open to everyone (baccalaureate level). It is aimed at: companies, institutions and associations, [...]

UNOC WORKSHOP - Spatial recomposition: a solution for adapting high-risk coastal areas

Workshops, Events

Nice France

Take part in a collaborative workshop and become agents of change in the face of the challenges of rising sea levels in Mediterranean coastal areas. Join us to explore concrete solutions and contribute to a global initiative in preparation for the United Nations Ocean Conference 2025 (UNOC 3). Rising sea levels, combined with the [...]

merIGéo conference - From the ocean to the coast: geographic information on the move


Nantes France

Every two years, the merIGéo conference brings together a community of geomatics players (public institutions, research bodies, university laboratories, government departments, local and regional authorities, consultancies, associations, etc.) around a common theme: the study and management of the sea and ocean, from the coast to the deep sea. The organisers, Ifremer, OFB and [...]

32nd Congress of Doctoral Students in Environmental Sciences - ED251

Conferences, Events

Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (UMR 7376) 3 place Victor Hugo - Case 29 - CS 80249, Marseille cedex 3, France

This event, led by doctoral students and guest speakers, as well as former ED doctoral students, is intended to be a forum for discussion and reflection on the broadly multidisciplinary field of the environment. It is open to all. We therefore encourage you to start thinking now about the topics you would like to present at the conference.

City Nature Challenge 2025! Urban Nature Challenge!

Events, Science mediation

From 25 to 28 April 2025, the City of Marseille and the University of Aix-Marseille are once again taking part in the City Nature Challenge! Alongside hundreds of other cities around the world, the City of Marseille will be taking up the challenge launched by the California Academy of Sciences and the Natural History Museum of [...].

gmmc2025: LEFE/GMMC 2025 Scientific Days

Workshops, Events

The aim of Operational Oceanography is to develop and use integrated analysis, reanalysis and forecasting systems to characterise the marine environment in all its forms (physical, biogeochemical, ecosystemic, optical, etc.) from coastal to global scales. The Mercator Coriolis Mission Group is made up of teams selected each year as part of the [...]

One Ocean Science Conference

Seminars, Conferences, Events

Nice France

The ocean is threatened by combined pressures such as climate change, overfishing, pollution and conflicts of use. The ocean urgently needs decisive, rapid and unified efforts to address its critical situation and maximise the solutions it offers. This is a major challenge for the global community as we [...]

Repairing the future? Reflections and experiences from a political ecology perspective

Workshops, Events

Sciences Po Toulouse - Manufacture des Tabacs 21 allée de Brienne, Toulouse, France

The aim of the Ateliers d'écologie politique is to work with and for society on modes of collective action that will enable us to understand and (re)act on socio-ecological challenges. They have emerged in recent years in the academic world in France, and offer an original take on political ecology in terms of its form (a group of scientists rather than a field of research) and its [...].