Boost your ERC proposal: Exclusive support events for competitive funding applications

Event, Mission Europe pour la Recherche

Are you preparing a high-stakes funding proposal for the European Research Council (ERC)? Take part in the tailor-made events designed by the Aix Marseille ERC Club (CERCLe) to help you write a winning application! Synergy grant applicants are welcome to attend the events. The Calendar

Oceans exhibition,22 March 2025 - 13 July 2025,An 8-stop journey to discover the riches of the sea at the Natural History Museum in Marseille Embark on an 8-stop journey to discover the oceans. A marvellous opportunity to explore the beauty of marine biodiversity.

Evénement, Expositions, Médiation scientifique

Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Marseille Boulevard Philippon, Marseille, France

Voyage en 8 escales à la découverte des richesses de la mer au Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Marseille Embarquez pour un voyage en 8 escales à la découverte des océans. Une merveilleuse occasion d’explorer la beauté de la biodiversité marine et l’importance de la mer, de nos sociétés à nos vies quotidiennes. Profitant de la […]

Closing conference of the LIFE MARHA project


Marseille Aix-Marseille Université - Faculté des Sciences - Campus de St Charles - 4 Pl. Victor Hugo, Marseille, France

Restoring marine habitats: the contribution of LIFE MARHA In 2025, after eight years of work, more than 150 experts will have been involved in this project to restore marine ecosystems, identifying the main causes of their degradation and implementing hundreds of experimental and demonstration projects. The [...]

Université de Toulon: 12th Doctoriades - Transmission

Workshops, Events

building Pi - Toulon-Porte d'Italie campus

The University of Toulon will be honouring young researchers on Thursday 3 and Friday 4 April 2025 with three events in the Pi building on the Toulon-Porte d'Italie campus: the 12th Doctoriades de l'Université de Toulon. Organised every two years, the Doctoriades aim to promote doctoral research. These [...]

The Ocean at the Heart of Climate and Societal Issues - 12th Doctoriades de l'Université de Toulon

Conferences, Events

Université de Toulon - Bât Pi - Campus Porte d'Italie 70 Av. Roger Devoucoux, Toulon, France

AXIS 1: Sustainable future This two half-day conference will focus on the current challenges facing the oceans, adopting a multidisciplinary approach combining physics, biology and social, legal and economic aspects. The first half-day will begin with an inaugural conference led by researchers and/or players in the field. This will be followed by [...]

What future for sustainable fishing in the Mediterranean?

Evénement, Table ronde

A round table discussion on the theme "What future for sustainable fishing in the Mediterranean?" will be held on Saturday 5 April 2025 from 2.00 to 4.15 pm, at Marseille City Hall - Salle Bailli de Suffren, as part of the DDGTPMI Masters course at the Institut de Management Public et Gouvernance Territoriale. Discussions with committed experts [...]

EMB - Webinar Deep-sea knowledge for effective Ocean management

Events, Webinars

By videoconference

During this webinar, EMB will launch its Future Science Brief #12, titled "Deep Sea Research and Management Needs". This brief addresses the critical need to increase our knowledge on the deep sea, an often-overlooked yet vital component of our global ecosystem and climate regulation. Effective management of this environment require a robust scientific foundation and [...]

1st BEAP-MAR Workshop

Workshops, Events

CEA Saclay

As part of the European Beap-Mar project, a workshop entitled Marine organisms as source of emergent bioactive molecules for Health will be held on 23 April. This workshop will be held in hybrid mode (face-to-face/visio) and requires online registration if you wish to take part. For those wishing to attend the workshop in [...]

32nd Congress of Doctoral Students in Environmental Sciences - ED251

Conferences, Events

Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (UMR 7376) 3 place Victor Hugo - Case 29 - CS 80249, Marseille cedex 3, France

The 32nd congress of the Environmental Sciences doctoral school will be held on 24 and 25 April 2025 at the LCE (Laboratoire Chimie Environnement) on the Saint-Charles campus (Marseille) in the Natural Sciences amphitheatre. Attendance at the ED251 conference at least once during their thesis is compulsory for all doctoral students, and enables them to [...]

City Nature Challenge 2025! Urban Nature Challenge!

Evénement, Médiation scientifique

From 25 to 28 April 2025, the City of Marseille and the University of Aix-Marseille are once again taking part in the City Nature Challenge! Alongside hundreds of other cities around the world, the City of Marseille will be taking up the challenge launched by the California Academy of Sciences and the Natural History Museum of [...].

Entrepreneurship in disadvantaged areas Socio-spatial movements, issues and dynamics

Conferences, Events

Institut National d'Aménagement et d'Urbanisme, Rabat Morocco

As part of the REDMIN ("Redéveloppement des territoires miniers : quelles dynamiques de transition") research project, carried out with the support of the OCP Foundation and in partnership with CNRST-Maroc, and as part of the AMIR International Joint Laboratory (LMI "Activité Minière Responsable au Maroc"), this conference will examine the [...]

gmmc2025: LEFE/GMMC 2025 Scientific Days

Workshops, Events

The aim of Operational Oceanography is to develop and use integrated analysis, reanalysis and forecasting systems to characterise the marine environment in all its forms (physical, biogeochemical, ecosystemic, optical, etc.) from coastal to global scales. The Mercator Coriolis Mission Group is made up of teams selected each year as part of the [...]