HoloDiv - Exploring the adaptive potential of Mediterranean ecosystems

Led by Didier Aurelle, Senior Lecturer at AMU's Institut Méditerranéen d'Océanologie, this project focuses on knowledge of the ecological state of ecosystems is essential for the preservation and management of biodiversity, particularly within marine protected areas (MPAs). While the classic study of species richness and abundance can be used to assess the current state of an ecosystem, genomic tools now provide access to information on the evolution and response of target species to environmental constraints. The project explores the adaptive potential of a key species in Mediterranean benthic ecosystems, the gorgonian Eunicella cavolini, through an integrated study of its genetic and microbial diversity (hologenome). The project team is studying populations in the eastern and western (northern and southern) basins of the Mediterranean, subjected to local anthropogenic pressures (pollution, fishing) or preserved (MPAs), in order to gain a better understanding of their evolution.


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