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Conferences & Seminars

CoSavez-vous LeO on the Gulf of Guinea

20 March 2025 - 10h00 - 12h00

Gulf of Guinea: biodiversity, resources and human pressures: what research and training initiatives are needed to meet the challenge of sustainable development?

The Gulf of Guinea is a major strategic region due to its vast natural resources, notably its oil and gas reserves, as well as its rich biodiversity. Located at the crossroads of world trade, it plays a key role in maritime security and the global economy. However, a wide range of human pressures threaten these coastal ecosystems, not to mention climate uncertainties. The many challenges facing sustainable development in this region, including climate change mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity conservation, raise a number of questions. This webinar will present past, current and future research and training initiatives in the area, with the aim of creating opportunities for collaboration.

Speakers François Le Loc'h (LEMAR, Brest), Didier Jouffre (MERBEC/Rep. Guinea), Sandrine Djakouré (LASMES/UFHB, Côte d'Ivoire), Raphaël Onguné (IUT/Univ Douala, Cameroon)

Moderators Nabil El Kente (DS OCEANS, IRD), Penda Bary (SRC, IRD)

Contact : nabil.elkente@ird.fr

Zoom link Meeting ID: 876 160 9333 Secret code: 111111

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Date :
20 March 2025
Heure :
10.00am - 12.00pm
Évènement Categories:
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By videoconference