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The big dive

Aix-Marseille University| What role does bioluminescence play underwater?

Jeanne Maingot-Lépée, a young oceanologist (MIO), guides us through the dark and hostile world of the abyss.

Experimenting with the future: HoloDiv - Exploring the adaptive potential of Mediterranean ecosystems

Aix-Marseille University| Led by Didier Aurelle, Senior Lecturer at the Institut Méditerranéen d'Océanologie, this project, which focuses on knowledge of the ecological state of ecosystems, is essential for the preservation and management of biodiversity, particularly within marine protected areas (MPAs).

CGPM red coral research programme

FAO| The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) presents its research programme on red coral, in which Didier Aurelle (MIO) and Eugénie Kreckelbergh (MIO) collaborated.


Wave dynamics on the rocks of the Basque Country

Université de Toulon - Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour - MIO |Physical oceanography!

Discover the dynamics of waves on the rocks of the Basque Country with Damien Sous (MIO - UTLN - UPPA).

Saupe qui peut: a film to help you feel better about what you eat

Calanques National Park Our plates reflect our links with biodiversity. Short supply chains, sustainable fishing, rediscovering forgotten species: there are many ways to eat in a way that respects life. That's what the film "Saupe qui peut" is all about.

Bathybot: exploring the deep ocean

BathyBot: the robot of the deep

CNRS report| It's a small robot that could make big discoveries. BathyBot, as it is called, is preparing to unravel the mysteries of the deep.

BathyBot, deep ocean explorer

The Blog| The BathyBot rover deployed by the CNRS 40 km off the coast of Toulon at a depth of 2,400 metres will attempt to unravel its mysteries.

BathyBot/BJS connection

Tests of the BathyBot connection procedure to the secondary junction box (BJS). First test carried out by a diver in January 2020.

Our Black Carbon activities in Vietnam

IRD| Atmospheric pollution by fine particles is a global issue.

It is the main risk to health and the main cause of non-communicable diseases, the second biggest contributor to global warming (just after CO2), and with quantities of fine particles reaching the ocean greater than the quantities of plastic waste, these particles are one of the main environmental pollutants.

What is black carbon?

Black carbon, the ultimate polluter

Black carbon, a challenge without borders

Pairs - The meanings of words

Bonne-Maman's Acid Tears

Julie Aminthe / Marc Tedetti - Oceanography / biogeochemistry (IRD, MIO, OSU Institut Pythéas)|

Cora absorbs what's harmful in people. All it takes is a little light and it absorbs everything, then in return transmits positive vibes. Many people want to take advantage of this ability. But what happens when Cora falls mysteriously ill?


Alexandra Badea / Bernard Ollivier - Microbiology of extreme environments (IRD, MIO, PACA Region, Culture Science)|

Extreme environments are fascinating places to live. Alexandra Badea takes us into the troubling world of a researcher whose bearings are shifting by degrees.